
Friday, April 25, 2014

551.5271 (Solar radiation) - Sunshine in a Box

My best friends birthday is coming up this week and I wanted to send her something in the mail beyond just a birthday card. What did I do? I made her some sunshine... in a box!

I started my box of sunshine with a small priority mail/small flat rate box from the post office. These boxes are free, you just have to stop in and pick them up. I "prettified" the inside of the box with some scrapbook paper and double stick tape that I already had in with craft supplies.

I made sure to leave gaps where the box folded so there wasn't any issues with bubbling paper.

I used a little bit of the double stick tape to fold up one side of the box so I could begin loading it with the goodies I picked up. I wanted to find a healthy balance between things to eat and things to use in the box. What I decided to include is below:

In my "Sunshine" Box:
- Burt's Bees Baby Bee Lotion
- Snack size Lindt's Caramel Truffles
- 2 Burt's Bees Beewax Lip Balms (Original Recipe)
- Box of Crystal Light Lemonade Singles
- Travel Size Clorox Wipes (the microbiologist friend should approve)
- Eos Lip Balm (in Lemon Drop)
- M&Ms Peanut
- Raisinets
- Reese's Peanut Better Egg
- Chocolate Covered Peep
- Yellow Fingernail Polish

As you can see, everything just fit inside the box with enough room for me to shove in a funny birthday card and close it. Barely a bulge in the box when it was all closed, although I did have to remove some packaging and have a special "conversation" with one of the Lindt choclates... it's probably a little squished. Oops?   

I found a cute yellow polka dot address label that I bought from Target some years back that I hacked up and attached to the front of the box with packaging tape.

A part of me wishes I cold have fit a little more in the box or sent a larger box, but the grad student in me knows I have to be frugal for just a little while longer and I'm truly a believer in the old adage "it's the thought that counts". I hope it'll be a drop of sunshine in my best friend's week, especially with the rainy spring we've been having.

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