
Thursday, January 2, 2014

746.46 (Patchwork and quilting)

Christmas has come and gone and this holiday season and my funds for purchasing gifts was minuscule. Grad school will do that to your budget. So most of the gifts this season were handmade, including a quilt for my sister-in-law, one that was supposed to be a gift for her bridal shower, which never happened because of a pushed up wedding date. I had already purchased the fabric for the quilt, so it was basically a no extra cost gift. It's not "done" yet, but it's pieced. Just need to get a nice batting and backer.

Pieced quilt. 
Close up of quilt.

Close up of quilt.
The quilt doesn't have an official pattern, it's just a series of 4"x4", 6"x4", 8"x4", and 10"x4" squares and rectangles cycling through a pattern with each row, alternating reds and blues. The starting pattern is laid out like this: 4", 6", 8", 4"(white), 10", 4"(white), 8", 6", 4". The following rows cycle through this pattern, taking the block on the left and then putting it on the far right of the row: 6", 8", 4"(white), 10", 4"(white), 8", 6", 4", 4". Next row then looks like 8", 4"(white), 10", 4"(white), 8", 6", 4", 4", 6", and so on.

I didn't pay attention to the exact fabric order, just ensured that squares next to each other weren't made of the same fabric. Rows vary on how they match up - sometimes a row will have 4 or 5 seam matches, sometimes only 2. It's easy to cut out and easy to stitch together, though. It was quick work (maybe 4-6 hours total) to cut and piece.